Week 5 of Production


New Logo!

Main Menu Level

Instead of a regular "Press Play to Start" main menu, we chose to make it more exciting than that, and created a cool little level for it!

As you can see, this is basically a little area to learn how the controls work - as well as what the pick ups do.
To start the game, you have to walk the player into the cave.
Adding/removing players can be done with the two round stones: Standing on the green one for adding, and standing on the red one for removing players.


And how about some new epic animations for every move you make? Sound good right!

This is just one of many. Your character will run and idle differently when something is in his hands, jump and land. All of this awesomeness will happen seamlessly and make your experience smoother and better!


Refined mechanics

We further enhanced all our current mechanics and tried to balance them out at this stage. We can assure you there's a new pickup in town, as well as a new way of presenting them (has cool sparkly effect).

Also don't try to hide behind walls no more, we can see everything...

See you next week!

Get Blast Till Last

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